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Shopify App and Theme Development tutorials for those who are familiar with code and want to dive into Shopify.

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Setting Up a Shopify Theme in a Development Store

So you wanna develop a Shopify theme. But where do you start? This tutorial will get you set up with a starter theme and and a basic understanding of how to start developing it.

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Shopify Development Flow - Theme Gem

Getting a good development flow going on for Shopify will make the development process that much more enjoyable.

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Updating Products with Ajax and Handlebars

In this post we are going to go over how you can implement filtering using Ajax. We will filter on product tags, but the same principles can apply to different criteria.

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Building Arrays with Liquid in Shopify

Storing data coming in from your Shopify store in your template can help with optimization. You may also want to store values so that you can manipulate and re-use them later. Whatever the use case may be, the ability to store information in an array using liquid is a good arsenal to have in your Shopify Dev Toolkit.

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Local Theme Development with Themekit

Shopify has a wonderful solution whether you are just starting or looking to optimize your development flow to allow you to develop locally with ease: enter Theme Kit 🙌

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Shopify Sections : The What, Where, When, and How

If you have played around with metafield editor extensions, explored shortcodes, and created content editing Shopify apps you may be a part of a group wondering - how can you give the shop owner more control over shop customization and still maintain an intuitive admin system. We've got one word for you: Sections.

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The Javascript SDK Part 1: Displaying Products on an External Site

include your product on other sites (maybe you run a blog and want to have a featured product purchaseable from a sidebar) or do not need a full-blown shop right away. This is where the Shopify Javascript SDK comes in.

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Using Gulp For Sass Compilation - Allows for Sass Partials with Liquid Tags 🙌

We are going to be using gulp to do a couple of different things: compile our scss, autoprefix any properties that need it, rename our compiled scss file to styles.scss.liquid, and allow for addition of Liquid tags in our partials

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